
Tolleson Orthodontics Blog

oral hygiene with braces

Is It Difficult To Maintain Oral Hygiene With Braces?

Braces can help improve your smile and correct your bite, but they can also make oral hygiene more challenging. The brackets and wires can trap food particles and make it harder to brush and floss effectively, leading to plaque buildup, bad breath, and even tooth decay. However, with the right tools and techniques, you can maintain good oral hygiene during [...]

Top Orthodontist Tips For Oral Hygiene With Braces

When it comes to braces, oral hygiene is a top priority. Braces can be an effective way to straighten teeth and correct misalignments, but they come with challenges regarding proper care. People with braces must follow suitable precautions to protect their braces and keep them clean. Here are the top orthodontist tips for oral hygiene with braces. Daily Oral Hygiene [...]